Our services
- Home
- Publications
- Medical diagnostic in oncology, radiotherapy, surgery, gynecology, internal - general medicine, diabetes, cardiology, physical disabilities, rehabilitation and physiotherapy, nutrition and psychology.
- We have our own clinical laboratory, radiotherapy, radiology, electrocardiograms and pharmacy
- Oncology Club
- Also the Organization CRECE for the Regional Oncology Study and Research.
- Preparation of pharmaceutical products
- Guaranties on quality by recommendation of the OMS
- Early Detection of Cancer program
- Electrocardiography clinic, endoscopy and diabetic feet
- Diabetic Patient's Club
- Assistance of Health projects
- Connection in line between Méxio and EEUU
We have more than 10 years of experience regarding preventive evaluation of:
- Cancer risk
- Surgical risk
- Cardiac risk
- Laboratory evaluations
- Environmental and family risks
- Metabolic risks
Para cualquier información llamar la 23857572 de lunes a viernes de 11:00 a 18:00. coordinadoragrupoangeles@hotmail.com